The personality of Jesus to believers is a function of our intimacy with Him (Matthew 16:13-18) ๐Ÿ‘‰ who Jesus is to you may not be who He is to me. Nevertheless, this is who Jesus is to me personally, I may not have scripture(s) to buttress them but they are born out of my experimental experience of HIM. So to me, Jesus is ๐Ÿ‘‡
    (1) My Saviour & my Season: I am a better person today bcoz Jesus first of all saves my soul & He also seasoned my life with a good savour, so my life taste better today bcoz of Jesus๐Ÿ‘‰ JESUS IS MY SAVIOUR & MY SEASON.
    (2) JESUS is my Mercify: A Mercify is one who can have mercy/pity upon another. It is bcoz of Jesus I consistently enjoy the mercy of God else I would have been dead & forgotten long before now. His mercifulness makes me to always enjoy His help & favour even when I don't deserve to be helped nor favoured.
    (3) JESUS is my helper(ie my Ebenezer): He has helped me several times that I can't remember all, He has helped me at the verge of danger, shame & reproach, He has helped me when there is fire on the mountain & there was none to help.
    (4) JESUS is my way maker: oh my sweet Jesus has often times make a way to appear for me to pass where there was no way & where there use to be no way bcoz of my Jesus there is a way there till date.
    (5) JESUS is my Leader: He always leads me in the path of righteousness, bcoz of my Jesus I now know the right way to follow & am so glad am on the right track.
    (6) JESUS is my Decider: often times I found myself at a crossroad, Jesus help me to make the right decision which always leads me to the right place. I don't take decision on mine own till He speaks๐Ÿ‘‰So I can also say JESUS is my decision booster.
    (7) JESUS is my fighter & my bulldozer: He fought every enemies of my destiny & bulldoze every mountains befall me always, so bcoz of Jesus I am always a winner man.
    (8) JESUS is my friend: Jesus has been a friend to me, He will never leave me alone & will not let me go, He is always with me. He is indeed my friend in need.
    (9) JESUS is my Father: He has been a father to me, my backbone, my backup in Him I live, I move & have my being. He always give me His shoulder to lean & stand on.
    (10) JESUS is my Healer & my Restorer: I am a living testimony of His healing & restoration power.
    (11) JESUS is my keeper, sustainer & my life Preserver
    (12) JESUS is provider: He has always supply my needs according to His riches in Glory.

    My brethren these & many more is WHO JESUS IS TO ME, what about you?
    The personality of Jesus to believers is a function of our intimacy with Him (Matthew 16:13-18) ๐Ÿ‘‰ who Jesus is to you may not be who He is to me. Nevertheless, this is who Jesus is to me personally, I may not have scripture(s) to buttress them but they are born out of ...See more
    Oct 29 '20
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