George Wion


Mike Odeh
Bornagain Universe


  • It's George Wion's birthday!
    George Wion
    George Wion
    Birthday: Nov 30
  • George Wion
    This is about Disciples of Christ encouraging each other in the faith and empowering each other to go make disciples of every nation!
    Jan 20 '20
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  • George Wion
    "Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. 44 And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all." Mark 10:43 ,44
    Jan 20 '20
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  • George Wion
    George Wion liked that George Wion joined our site
    Jan 13 '20
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  • George Wion
    George Wion liked Fred James's status

    In this year of wisdom for supernatural breakthrough, there are things to do to experience breakthrough in different areas of life. We shall be looking into some of these wisdom factors as the year rolls on. Today, we shall discuss just one of them and trust God to see evidential results as we practice it, in Jesus' name.

    Matthew 6:33 _But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you._

    It is wisdom to seek God's kingdom and make it a topmost priority. Make His kingdom concern your number one; first among others.

    To serve in the kingdom is to be implicated for breakthrough supernaturally and naturally. You can't serve God wholeheartedly in any capacity and beg to be blessed in life. Those who serve God don't waste in life.

    Until God's interest becomes your interest, you you won't make genuine interest (profit, gain) in life. When God's concern becomes your concern, you cannot suffer loss or failure. Seek first His kingdom, all other things shall be added to your life even without request. It pays to serve God, because those who do don't struggle to breakthrough through the limits of life for an outstanding shift. Hallelujah!

    This year, you are moving from one level of glory to the other, in the name of Jesus! Read Haggai 2:9

    Hear this👂🏻
    The Lord doesn't want any of you to be afraid or worried of tomorrow. Don't be afraid of the next thing to settle in your life that's not yet physically available (Mat.6:34). The silver and gold are God's (Hag.2:8). There shall be abundance of rain between now and tomorrow, in the name of Jesus!!!

    Are you asking for sign? There may be no sign, but there shall be ABUNDANCE OF RAIN BY TOMORROW, in the name of Jesus! 1 Kings 18:41.
    Stay Blessed

    Eneojo Fred James

    In this year of wisdom for supernatural breakthrough, there are things to do to experience breakthrough in different areas of life. We shall be looking into some of these wisdom factors as the year rolls on. Today, we shall discuss just one of them...See more
    Jan 13 '20
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    Fred James and George Wion like this
    Mike Odeh
    Jan 11 '20
    Amen! Two things that come to mind relating to God's concern are:
    1. The Lord seeks for those who will worship Him in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH John 4:23
    2. Soul winning, the harvest is ripe and wasting, the Lord is concerned about both the laborers and the souls perishing. Matthew 9:36-38 2 Peter 3:9
    Amen! Two things that come to mind relating to God's concern are:
    1. The Lord seeks for those who will worship Him in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH John 4:23
    2. Soul winning, the harvest is ripe a...See more
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